Upcoming Diploma Exams
Resit registrations must be received eight weeks prior to exam date.
For current Diploma students who need to resit exams, you can pay for your resit fee and register for the exam by selecting the appropriate item below.
In order to be registered you must include your birthdate spelled out (Month Day, Year)
as well as your WSET Candidate number in the notes at checkout.
Registration for D3 Resit
D3 Theory October 23, 2024, 11:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-3:20pm
D3 Tasting October 24, 2024, 10:30am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-2:30pm
Registrations must be received by August 23rd, 2024
Registration deadlines for WSET Levels 4 Diploma
The exams and assessments for WSET Level 4 Courses have unique formats, fixed exam dates, registration deadlines and re-sit fees. All initial exam fees are included in the cost of the course. However, should a student wish to re-sit an exam or reschedule their exam after the registration deadline they can do so. Registration and payment to re-sit a WSET Level 4 exam must be received prior to exam date.
After the registration deadline, all exam orders are final, and cannot be refunded or re-scheduled.